• According to a 2018 demographic analysis of the dive industry by the Diving Equipment and Marketing Agency (DEMA), only 11% of divers nationwide are African American. One major reason is lack of exposure. Although it has been noted that most African Americans cannot swim, those that are not afraid of the water have admitted that scuba diving was not a sport or hobby that had crossed their minds. It is eye opening for many underrepresented minorities to hear about scuba diving as a recreational hobby or even as a career. Field research diver, emergency first response diver, underwater reseacher, underwater photographer, and underwater welder are a few career options that would greatly benefit with an increase in representation of all persons, regardless of race or background.


    • Sea Scope Inc provides skills and job training for youth and young adults that may not have otherwise been exposed to aquatics by way of our programs. Because humans are the dominating species of the planet, we are the ultimate cause of the rapid changes that have resulted in the evironmental crisis we now face. Through the Sea Scope Discoverers Program, participants transition from educational workshops, to aquatics training, and lastly to scientific experiential learning workshops. Scuba diving courses within the program begin with snorkeling, then an introduction to diving, and continue with progression along a career path in diving. Through various partnerships, Sea Scope Inc strategically provides a fun and globally beneficial path in which participants will benefit from: character building, development of an appreciation of the environment through knowledge and meaningful connections, growth in a sense of belonging for a greater purpose, establishment of mentor/networking relationships, and skills training that will assist in the acquisition of purposeful careers that aid in saving our planet

    • Sea Scope Inc financially assists with our participants training in [junior] open water scuba diving, field trips related to underwater science and conservation, and travel to engage in marine conservation projects (ie. ocean clean ups and coral restoration). By decreasing the disparities that exist in the scuba diving world, Sea Scope Inc aims to improve the conditions and overall health of the planet by creating a diverse culture of ocean conservationist.